Charter Club Membership Renewal
per item
- Each Club/Group becoming a Charter Club will receive two 18"X 24" banners. One banner will hang in the interior of the Museum and the second banner will be sent to the Charter Club.
- Charter Club will receive six Numbered Charter Club membership cards for club/group members to use for entrance into the Museum.
- Charter Club members that would like to become a member of the Museum will receive a membership discount of $15 for Family, $10 for Individual and $5 for Senior and Military memberships.
- Club name listed on the All Member Banner hanging in the Museum.
- Club picture included on the digital display in the Museum of all Members.
- Charter Clubs can create a free cruise to the Museum. The Charter Club Cruise includes free admission, along with a free lunch. (Clubs must sign up two weeks in advance.)
- Most importantly, the Charter Club Membership supports the Mustang Owner's Museum growth for all Mustang enthusiasts to enjoy.
**International clubs, please contact [email protected] to receive your renewal invoice.**